Is Biblical Fasting Still Necessary?


Do Christians still need to fast today?

Short answer… Yes! There are several accounts in the bible that speak to faithful servants of God fasting for various reasons.  The bible is intended to be a guide for us on how we should live our lives.  Now while the way we approach these biblical topics may differ in our day, the principles still apply. Two of my favorite accounts of fasting in the bible are centered around Esther and Daniel, they were both fasting for direction from God but their methods were slightly different. I would encourage you to read both accounts, Daniel chapter 12 and Esther chapter 4.

While the traditional means of fasting is the absence of food, there are other ways to fast.  I have found fasting from people, places or things that have become distractions and hinder me from hearing God clearly when he speaks have been very effective for me so don’t discount this type of fast.

Here’s a few things to remember when considering a fast whether it’s your first time or whether you’ve fasted many times before:

1.       There may not be a most convenient time to start a fast so don’t wait for the weekend or for the holiday to past thinking this will make your fast easier.  The fast isn’t going to be easy because you are denying your flesh (which is the point) so that you can feed your spirit. (Gal 5:16 & 24)

2.       It’s not always about the length of the fast. If you can do an Esther fast which is three days no food, only water and you feel led to do so than do it. If you prefer the Daniel fast, which is 21 days of no meat, sugar or processed foods than do that.  I am currently fasting daily for four hours (9a-12p), basically I skip breakfast and I spend time with The Most High.  I either ready my bible, listen to my audio bible if I’m working and/or I pray and listen to praise music.

3.       On an Esther fast the absence of the food is a condition of the fast but it is equally important to spend an ample amount of time in prayer, praise and worship. Without that you’re not on a fast, you’re on a hunger strike.

4.       While you should set reasonable goals on how much time you spend in worship don’t beat yourself up if life happens and you have to alter your plan. God knows your heart and if you confess your challenges during your fast he will understand and still honor your fast.

5.       Fasting allows God the opportunity to show you things that you need to work on in your life so once you’ve cleared out the distractions which is what you should do during your fast; don’t be surprised when Gods shows up to reveal some tough truths about your faith walk.

6.       Try at all cost not to eat if you have chosen to exclude all food. The enemy will really come for you during your fast and try to get you to break your fast prior to your chosen time but pray through it, remember this is about denial of the flesh! 

7.       Another tip courtesy of Minister Kevin LA Ewing is to do communion once ending your fast to renew your convent with God. I look at it as a re-commitment to God and a way to honor Jesus’s sacrifice.

Fasting also opens you up to the spiritual realm so before starting any fast you need to confess your sins and repent. Ask for forgiveness for any transgressions you have committed and ask God to cleanse you of all unrighteousness. Fasting is a tool of spiritual warfare as well and you don’t want to engage the enemy without having a clear conscience because if you do you can open yourself up to his influence as he will have the legal right to come against you because of your unconfessed/unrepentant sin.

Lastly don’t be surprised if you have weird dreams during your fast because again fasting opens you up to the spiritual realm. This should not deter you from fasting because as a believer you have power and authority over all the power of the enemy. (Luke 10:19) When ending your fast be prepared for the adversary to come for you as you have just participated in spiritual warfare via your fast. To help explain this in a much more detailed way, I am including a teacher here by Minister Kevin that has helped me understand what happens after we fast.

I hope you find this information helpful and please leave any questions you make have in the comments.


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